Sunday, March 1, 2009

He is 30.....and he survived!!!

So on February 20th Wayland officially turned 30 years old, and the world did not come to an end. Wayland has been talking about his 30th birthday since the day he turned 25. All he ever said was "When I turn 30 I am not even going to get out of bed!" or things like, "30 is so old". Well the day arrived and he got out of bed. The day started out with some business meetings over at Barney's. And then the day continued with some much needed wakeboarding. Wayland is a stud wakeboarder and he truly loves it, so I am so glad he was able to do that on his birthday. Then the fun began. I had been planning this day for weeks. It started with the ring of the doorbell at 5pm sharp. Wayland opened up the door to find a black expedition limo sitting in front of our house. It was filled with balloons, water, sodas, sparkling cider, and was eventually full of our best friends. We climbed in and the adventure began (did I mention Wayland had no clue what we were going to be doing so it was kind of a rush for all of us). So after we picked up our friends we headed out to Scottsdale to the Pink Pony restaurant where we enjoyed a quick and delicious dinner and then we were off to an improv comedy club called Jesters. This place was awesome. My sister knows the owners so she informed them before hand that it was Way's birthday and they love to pick on people who celebrate their birthdays there. So when they were wishing people happy birthday they began to ask Way a few questions about what he does for a living and for fun and our friend Lincoln spoke up as well so all of a sudden he was thrown in the mix also. So the host asked the comedians to make-up a dream that Wayland would have, and boy did they take that and run with it. They made fun of soils testing and had a ball making fun of wakeboarders. The funniest part was two comedians pretending to be Way and Lincoln wakeboarding and they just kept yelling at each other "you're AWESOME" and the other would yell back, "No you're AWESOME". It was hilarious because it really reminded us of how they are, and for the rest of the night the comedians brought Wayland or that line "no you're awesome" up in almost all of their skits. It was so funny and we are all still saying that line to each other it is great!!! After the comedy club we headed back to the QC enjoying the high life in the limo!!!! It was such a fun night and I am so glad the night went so well and thank you to all of our AWESOME friends who made Wayland's birthday such a blast. I love you Way!!!!! and I am so glad you survived your 30th birthday!!!!
P.S. I have a ton more pics I want to add so I am going to figure out how to do a slideshow this week!!!

The Infirmary

Sorry it has been so long but we have been sick. And when I say sick I mean sick. It all started Monday when Way woke up sneezing, which for those of you who know Wayland that is not a big deal, he is always sneezing. But by Monday night he had the shivers and sweats and I knew we were in for it. I was feeling great Monday, I worked, gave a hitting lesson, and did a 10 mile run. Tuesday morning was a different story the body aches began, but the kids had their well checks at the Dr. so I reluctantly and not very convincingly tried to suck it up. I forced Way out of bed by crying that I couldn't take the kids to the Dr. by myself. So away we went as a family. Well, the kid's Dr. brought more good news, Kyana has a DOUBLE ear infection and Bronchitis. She needs to get on antibiotics and breathing treatments ASAP. So that meant a stop at the pharmacy on the way home. We also decided to make a stop at our DR.'S office on the way home too, where we found out we both had the flu. Not shocking, but also not encouraging!! So at this point Jayden is the only healthy one left. So I made a call to my ANGELIC sister Barbie and filled her in and asked her if she wouldn't mind taking Jayden for us for a couple of days, and thankfully she was here to get him within a couple of hours. I am so blessed to have family close by who are willing to help. So as the week went by we all worked on recovery. I have an awesome visiting teacher who brought me homemade chicken noodle soup, and we tried to rest rejuvenate (or at least Kyana and I did, Wayland is a trooper and went to work). So here we are it is Sunday we are still coughing and now Jayden woke up with 102 degree fever. So the saga continues but I hope once he gets through it we will be all done with this garbage!!! And oh by the way I missed the Ragnar Race I was supposed to run this weekend. I was so bummed but I couldn't even take a deep breath let alone run twenty miles, partially in the middle of the night, with no sleep. But now you know how our week went I am going to finally post about my man's awesome 30th birthday party!!