Tuesday, January 26, 2010


One more big event in October was Wayland leaving his job at the engineering firm and starting his training business full time. This also meant that I went to work full time. So we had a lot of changes going on. We had been talking about this for months, then in August we got serious about it and started really praying and fasting about it. Finally in October we felt it was the right time to go through with our plans. So far it has been great. Onewaysports has started to take off. Wayland is doing bootcamps 5 days a week and every afternoon from 2-9 is he is booked with athletes. Saturdays he is doing mini football clinics and Sunday we rest. I am so proud of how hard Wayland has worked for this and I love what Onewaysports does for our family. The kids love being with their Dad and love watching him train. They even love to workout. Kyana is the only 1 year old I know that can do push-ups, squats and lunges. I will have to get a video of that on here. Check out Wayland's website it is super fun and you can see what he is doing. www.onewaysportsllc.com

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